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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Interview tips I

In an interview the art of conversation is perhaps the most valuable attribute since an interview is nothing but a verbal dues between a selector and candidate.

A good conversation is contingent on the rapport a candidate establishes with the interview board. The process of a rapport building must start from the moment one knocks at the selector's door. A gentle, soft knock is always called for before entering the room. A smile and a greeting have to consequently follow one's entry. Developing eye contact from the beginning is very essential to overcome nervousness and hide tension The first impression one creates goes a long way in the ultimate selection/rejection of oneself. One's steps should be measured and greeting formal. The candidate's bearing should be that of a person who is eager to tackle the most difficult questions.

The first step towards improving conversational ability is to realize the basic fact that the other party is a poor listener and one has to exercise all ability and ingenuity to not only hold the party's attention but also to convincingly project a positive image of oneself. There are numerous impediments to good listening.

The most relevant impediment is distraction. Under no circumstance should any action on the candidate's part cause the interviewer any distraction. Distractions are generally caused by flashy dresses, exaggerated and aimless gestures and nervous movement such as frequently shifting one's position on the chair, blinking, drumming on the table with finger tips, wiping perspiration from face or forehead, scratching one's head, giggling nervously, cracking one's knuckles, too, much waving of hands and so on.

There are three primary components in conversation: Voice, delivery and words, Besides these, there are other elements which accentuate one's personality during conversation. Among these are general appearance and manners. A good personality in the context of an interview is the sum total, of all the positive aspects minus the negative aspects.

The interviewer' s business is to try and expose an interviewee' s weakness. Hence the interviewee' s endeavor shall be to project his positive qualities in a convincing and pleasing manner, and he can do so through the spoken word.

The tone of delivery should be normal and the volume should be in accordance with the distance. The delivery pace should be optimal i.e. neither fast nor slow. Proper spacing of words with periodical pauses helps in emphasizing appropriate words preventing the talks from being monotonous and boring. The candidate should not rush his answers. He must let his words and sentences sink and make an impact on the selector. The sentences should be short and the languages simple.

Successful conversation demands clear thinking, expressed in concise and grammatically correct language, which must convey facts in an easily understandable and interesting manner.

The interview panel comprises normally 3 members mostly professors of the IIM's concerned. The normal interview time per candidate is 20-25 minutes. Let us stress the point that the members of the panel, as a rule, have a very cordial; manner and will try their best to make you feel at home, Since your have made it in their stiff written test (You are among the 1,800 out of about 40,000 students) they know that you are a competent student; they are only eager to see you as a person and to ascertain for themselves if you do reflect some of your competence in a face to face situation.

The most searching questions you can imagine during an interview are on :

  • Your Field of Study
  • Your General Awareness
  • Your Career Plan
  • Your Hobbies
  • Your Strengths / Weaknesses

Unless you are really dimwitted person (which you aren't we're sure) you should be able to guess realistically, about 80 percent of the questions any interviewer could possibly ask you. Put your answers in writing and go over them to see if they are clear, sensible and convincing. If they are, you win the game.

Sample Questions

1. Tell us about yourself.

2. Why do you want to pursue management as a career? (Justify with reasons)

3. What are your career objectives? (both long term & short term)

4. What do you feel about your academic performance till now?

5. Which is your favorite subject? (Be prepared for question in this area)

6. How do you spend your leisure time/spare time?

7. One significant achievement in your Life till now. Elaborate why?

8. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

9. What would you do if you do not get selected to any of the management schools?

10. Who is your idol? (Be prepared for further questions)

11. Why should I select you?

12. What is management, define it?

13. Which branch of management do you want to join? Define that branch and why do you want to go for this branch only?

14. Your previous background and now what are you doing at present and what you have done?

15. If you are from any background/Science/ Commerce/ Arts/Engineering /. Then why do you want to go for management, when there are already better prospect in it?

16. Your strong/weak points, how you got to know about it. How is your strong points going to help become a good manager. Don't you think your strong points is , your weak points and Don't you think your weak points can be hurdle for becoming a good manager.

17. What do you consider yourself after two months/two years/5 years/10 years

18. What is your ultimate career fantasy?

19. What will be your contribution to our institute?

20. What will be your reaction if you are rejected?

21. Your hobbies/interests.


22. Special achievement if any and why?

23. Worst moment of your life and why?

24. Best moment of your life and why?

25. Why this institute only?

26. Work experience if any detail?

27. Have you read any book (general/management )

a) Brief
b) Morale
c) How this book is going to help you in becoming a better manager.

Interviewee' s Checklist

Interview Assessment

The interviewer scores the candidates on certain pre-determined parameters, which, according to him, constitutes the essential requirements for the assignment on. The criterion/criteria used by him for evaluation may be single or multiple with respect to each parameter.

Some of the important parameter and the criteria generally used for evaluation are listed below:

1. Intellectual Attainments:

(a). The depth of knowledge of the subject of the candidate's choice as well as of other subjects.

(b). Practical knowledge - as to how a candidate applies his theoretical knowledge in practical situations

(c). General knowledge, current affairs, everyday science, controversial topics, sports social issues, newspaper headlines etc.

(d). Grape - as to how quickly a candidate understands the question as subject.

2. Power of Expression:

(a). Fluency: as to how quickly the candidate converses in the oral medium of communications.

(b). Logic in argument: as to how rational, clear-headed, analytical and systematic the candidate is in presenting his arguments.

(c). Convincing ability: as to how the candidate is able to lend conviction to his arguments.

3. Personal traits:

a). Personal disposition: Smiling, cheerful and pleasant.

(b). Liveliness demonstrated: as to how eager, alert, sprightly and ambitious the candidate is.

(c). Enthusiasm: Does the candidate display keenness and interest in his approach?

(d). Dress and turnout: Smart, clean and suited to the occasion. Neat clothes, proper haircut, clean nails and polished shoes.

(e). Poise: Graceful movements, confident approach, straight walk, eye contact.

(f). Punctuality

4. Career objectives:

(a). Clear aim - His ambition and goal in life.

(b). A systematic approach towards career planning.

(c). Analysis of his strength and weaknesses.

5. Character:

(a). Integrity and moral values.

(b). Sincerity and loyalty.

(c). Self discipline.

6. Health and physical stamina:

(a). Participation in sport and other physical endurance activities like trekking, camping etc.

7. Hobbies and Interests:

a). Optimum utilization of spare time for developing self interest in leisure activities like reading, cinema, music, philately, fine arts etc.

8. Dynamic Qualities:

(a). Self confidence

(b). Initiative and enterprise

(c). Industrial temperament

(d) Decision making abilities

(e) Resourcefulness

( f). Motivation

9. Psychological Factors:

(a). Positive thinking, confident and determined approach

(b). Optimistic and hopeful outlook

(c). Absence of anti-social or negative qualities.

10.Social Qualities:

(a). Sense of responsibility

(b) Adaptability and flexibility.

(c). Preference to group life and activity.

(d). Ability to influence others and get things done

Every candidate will have a certain degree of proficiency in each of the areas mentioned above. A careful introspection by the candidate will reveal his strengths and weaknesses with respect to the various criteria. By rigorous preparation, training and practice the candidate can improve himself in spheres in which he lacks ability.

Format for Assessment

1. Breadth & depth of knowledge in the subjects studied.

2. Ability to apply theoretical concepts to practical considerations

3. hobbies and other pursuits

4. Career plan-clarity of goals and consistent strategy to achieve them


5.Mental Alertness-General awareness of local/national/ world problems and ideas leading to their solution

6. Judgment -ability to analyze clearly and to arrive at sound conclusions

7. Creativity-novelty of approach & ability to evolve alternative suggestions



8. Maturity, level-headedness- poise and confidence

9. Communications Skills-clarity of ideas and expression-ability to listen attentively

10. Leadership Skills-sincerity, enthusiasm and friendliness- ability to lead a group




Less than 10 points
Below average

Between 11 & 20

Above 20
Above average


Interviewee' s Checklist

Interviewee' s checklist Preparation:

  1. Were you familiar with the organization/ institute' s requirements (behavioral and others)?
  2. Did you work out a strategy and plan?
    Greeting and rapport:
  3. Did you establish a good rapport right in the beginning by maintaining an affable posture and sociable poise?
    Giving information:
  4. Did you listen fully and attentively to the questions before answering?
  5. Did you give open-ended answers?
  6. Did you draw upon your past experience to illustratively express your answers?
  7. Did you attempt to think logically and reason out with the interviewer in the case of probing and hypothetical questions?
  8. Did you fall into the yes/no trap questions?
  9. Did you summarize, to confirm what the interviewer asked?
  10. Did you make the interviewer talk by asking him for feedback?
  11. Did you get bogged down by unpleasant questions?
  12. Did you avoid telegraphic answers?
  13. Did you interrupt he interviewers too often?
  14. Could you notice a pattern emerging during the interview?
  15. Was the interview more of a conversation or a question answer examination? Parting:
  16. Was the parting smooth, comfortable and promising? Self-evaluation:
  17. Did you manage to present your strengths convincingly to the board?
  18. Did you avoid the following traps?
    (a) Jumping to conclusion
    (b) Answering loaded question
    (c) Getting into arguments on morals and integrity.
    (d) Undermining the interviewers.
    (e) Exaggerating your claims.
    (f) Breaking down under stress.
Cross-checking ones performance in an interview with the above check-list will help one prepare better for future interviews.

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